Have you ever had to endure the agony of debugging a piece of code that mutates the state of an object several times throughout an application? Not only is that type of code ugly and unpredictable, it’s downright dangerous when dealing with multiple threads.

An immutable object ensures that its internal state cannot be changed after instantiation. Why does this matter? This provides an immediate benefit when working with multi-threaded code in that no synchronization needs to be performed since the object does not offer any shared, mutable state between threads. Therefore, the state of the object remains the same throughout its lifetime which makes the object automatically thread-safe.

Immutable Object Rules

There are several simple rules that can be applied to the definition of a Java class to ensure that it allows for the creation of immutable objects:

  • Make all instance fields private and final

  • Eliminate all methods that can mutate state

  • Prevent subclasses from subverting immutable behavior

  • Avoid storing references to mutable objects

Making a POJO Immutable

Suppose that we’d like to make a basic Plain Old Java Object that exhibits immutable behavior. Let’s start with the following Team class:

package immutable;

import java.util.List;

public class Team {
    private String teamName;
    private List<String> playerNames;

    public void setTeamName(final String name) {
        teamName = name;

    public String getTeamName() {
        return teamName;

    public void setPlayerNames(final List<String> names) {
        playerNames = names;

    public List<String> getPlayerNames() {
        return playerNames;

There’s nothing surprising here, just a simple POJO used to model a team that has a name and a collection of player names. Right away you should be able to see that the rules for immutability have been violated. Let’s transform this lowly POJO into a mighty Immutable Object.

Protect Internal State

The first immutability problem with Team is that it allows the object’s state to be manipulated at any time. This can easily be fixed by removing all methods that allow for state manipulation and make all fields private and final. After making these changes all of the information for a Team instance is now required at instantiation time.

package immutable;

import java.util.List;

public class Team {
    private final String teamName;
    private final List<String> playerNames;

    public Team(final String name, final List<String> players) {
        teamName = name;
        playerNames = players;

    public String getTeamName() {
        return teamName;

    public List<String> getPlayerNames() {
        return playerNames;

Avoid Subverting Immutable Behavior

The easiest way to ensure that immutable behavior cannot be tampered with by a subclass overriding methods is to mark the class as final to prevent subclassing all together. Another approach would be to make the class’s constructor private and require object construction to be done through static factory methods. Let’s go ahead and mark Team as final.

Perform Defensive Copies

Even after performing the previous steps Team is still not immutable. How can that be? A Team instance is constructed with an immutable String instance for the team name, but the player names associated with a Team is stored in a mutable List object reference.

Here’s how this can be exploited to bypass immutability:

public class Driver {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
    	final String teamName = "My Team";
    	final List<String> players = new ArrayList<>();

        final Team team = new Team(teamName, players);

        System.out.println(team.getPlayerNames()); (1)
1 Outputs both players "Foo" and "Bar"

The problem here is that the players object reference is created and maintained by the Driver class and the reference is passed by value to the Team instance. After Team creation, the players list (which is still an object reference stored within the Team instance) is modified and the call to team.getPlayerNames() will return the contents of the players list.

This can be fixed by making a defensive copy of the provided object reference in the Team constructor so that the Team object maintains a copy of the original list of player names.

public Team(final String name, final List<String> players) {
    teamName = name;
    playerNames = new ArrayList<>(players); (1)
1 Make a defensive copy of the provided container

Alright, we’ve made the defensive copy upon instantiation so Team must be immutable now, right? Not so fast! The getPlayerNames() method from Team is susceptible to modification since it currently returns the object reference to the player name list.

public class Driver {
    public static void main(final String[] args) {
        final String teamName = "My Team";
        final List<String> players = new ArrayList<>();

        final Team team = new Team(teamName, players);
        final List<String> teamPlayers = team.getPlayerNames();

        System.out.println(teamPlayers); (1)
        System.out.println(team.getPlayerNames()); (2)
1 Outputs "Foo", as expected
2 Outputs "Foo" and "Bar", uh-oh!

As you can see, Team is still not immutable because the reference to the players list is returned via getPlayerNames(). This reference can be held by the Driver class and mutated which modifies the internal state of a Team instance. Once again, the fix is to create a defensive copy.

Our Mighty Immutable Object

Here is the Team class fully transformed to support immutable object creation:

package immutable;

import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.List;
import net.jcip.annotations.Immutable;
import net.jcip.annotations.ThreadSafe;

@Immutable  (1)
public final class Team {
    private final String teamName;
    private final List<String> playerNames;

    public Team(final String name, final List<String> players) {
        teamName = name;
        playerNames = new ArrayList<>(players);

    public String getTeamName() {
        return teamName;

    public List<String> getPlayerNames() {
        return new ArrayList<>(playerNames);
1 Java Concurrency In Practice annotations used to convey intent

Final Thoughts

Understanding the usefulness of immutable objects and how to create one is important to carry along with you on your knowledge tool belt. However, the most obvious downside to using immutable objects is that in order to change its state a brand new instance must be constructed.

Additionally, caution must be used if the immutable object requires making defensive copies of large, mutable objects. More than likely this won’t be a problem unless you’re making a large number of copies in a tight loop since that could be very slow and chew up your heap space.

Although it may be wise to prefer an immutable object, you must choose what best fits your application.

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